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Easy Halloween Decor Ideas

Easy Halloween Decor Ideas

Easy Halloween Decor Ideas

As I have gotten older (and, let's be honest, busier!) I like to focus on a couple of areas to feature my holiday decor instead of having a bunch of little stuff everywhere. 

My decor always starts at my front door, OF COURSE! I have a "boo" pillow, garden flag with a black cat on it and my Entry Envy house number sign is in the spirit too! Each month's subscription box features 3 to 5 different themes to differentiate your sign from your friends' or neighbors', so mine this month is the black cat, purple glitter sprigs, and lights. Super cute!

Best Fall Smells

Once you walk in the front door, think about the first thing your guests see and smell. Seriously, the smell of your house is key, even at a subconscious level when they form their first impressions. Think about walking into your favorite hotel…there is likely a certain smell that is warm, welcoming and memorable. You might sneeze for days later, but when you walk in the door, it smells amazing! What does your home smell like? Are you a fan of diffusers, candles or plug-ins? Do you prefer natural or manufactured scents? Does it smell like summer and pina coladas or fall and pumpkin spice? My personal preference for fall is the Nest Pumpkin Spice diffuser in my power bath right off the front door, making my bathroom and entry smell fabulous! 

Black Feather Boa

My absolute favorite secret weapon when it comes to decorating for Halloween is a black feather boa! Here is a link on Amazon for convenience. PRO TIP: Take them out of the package OUTSIDE and shake them to get loose feathers off where they can blow away for a bird nest instead of ending up all over your kitchen floor. 

  • Add a boa to ANY Halloween decoration. It will go from drab to fab instantly! Black is my usual go-to, but orange in small doses works as just depends on the look you're after. Perhaps it depends on the age of your children - spooky or cute?
  • Add 2-3 boas to your mantle and put purple and orange lights tucked in for a spooky fireplace. Add some spider webs if you have stone or brick around it to make it extra scary!
  • Cut a boa into smaller pieces and add next to votive candles on your dining room table. TIP: Cut and shake the boas outside, or you'll have feathers everywhere!

Simple Halloween Decorations

In addition to my select feature spaces for holiday decor, I gave these fun bats for my kids this year, and they love them! They are very cool and were fun and easy to put up. Not sure if they will leave a residue on the walls when I take them off and pray not, but here is the link if you need 60 plastic bats too! 

My other favorite decor touches for Halloween are Bath & Body Works themed soaps for the bathroom and kitchen sinks, and festive hand towels. 

Most of all, enjoy the season. Halloween is so much fun for the kids, and they definitely don't trick or treat forever, so let them be little and enjoy the time while it lasts. We are decorating sugar cookies at my house tomorrow… witches' hats and candy corn! 

Have fun and Happy Halloween!

Jennifer Lea Founder & CEO Entry Envy

P.S. Entry Envy custom home signs welcome guests and help delivery drivers validate they are at the correct house. There are so many styles available! If you haven't ordered yours yet, please SHOP HERE to design your unique sign. Monthly home decor subscription boxes make it easy and convenient to keep your sign in style. You'll never have to think about how to update your front porch for the next season or holiday again!

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